Lake Charles Housing Authority (Lake Charles, LA) | Hurricane Laura | FEMA-DR-4559 (2020)
In Late August of 2020, Hurricane Laura storm related damage impacted several communities of the Lake Charles Housing Authority. The Lake Charles Housing Authority provides affordable housing and suffered damage to many of the residential structures due to hurricane-force winds and heavy rains.
D.A. Lamont Consulting Services provided recovery management expertise in the initial phases and continues to support ongoing work to repair and restore residential dwellings in the Lake Charles Housing Authority communities.
Our team is managing the FEMA Public Assistance (PA) program and the FEMA 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for the LCHA and provides grant accounting and administrative support for disaster grants pursuits and reimbursement. D. A. Lamont Consulting Services has been engaged in grant management with LCHA.